#iselectlearning Math and Science
In Celebration of FSS’s Annual April Math/ Science Symposium, and the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, our Math and Science faculty have compiled some fun activities for you and your families while at home. Enjoy!
Check out this Bar of Soap Video Rube Goldberg Challenge! See their rules and regulations on their website, and in video form. And just for fun, watch:A Rube Goldberg – How to Pass the Salt While Maintaining Proper Social Distance | |
National Math Festival virtual activities for all ages | |
EarthDay at Home with NASA; NASA has compiled activities, from Lego building to videos. Check it out, space enthusiasts! | |
Do you like making seed bombs, going on scavenger hunts, or seeing videos about BUGS? If so, The Academy of Natural Science has put together these types of activities for kids in celebration of this year’s Earth Day. And an ANS article on Earth Day and Covid 19 | |
Interested in delving into how designers and engineers work together to create theme parks? Check out this interactive STEAM project on Khan Academy, called Imagineering in a Box Project. (appropriate for MS and US students) | |
Lorax and Earth Day Game by Energystar.gov | |
For live streamed speaker events, see the Earth Optimism Digital Summit April 22-24 | |
Student science journal articles, news, and commentary on Covid-19 from sciencemag.org | |
This Philadelphia Inquirer article provides an overview of Earth day activities. We particularly like its link to the Wildlands Conservancy’s short videos on wildlife. Click on red tailed hawks, skunks or wood turtles to learn more. | |
ORIGO provides guidance and instruction for continuing math learning at home (for grades Pre-K through 6). Go to https://www.origoeducation.com/athome/ , scroll down and click on “United States” to enter. | |
National Museum of Mathematics YouTube Channel offers exciting talks on the wonderful world of mathematics (for grades 9-12).The Museum is also now offering online programs and virtual tours through May for kids of all ages! | |
A message from FSS’s Upper School Environmental Club: “Engage in the climate crisis from home by participating in various live streamed events on Thurs, Friday, and Saturday. | |
Want to learn a bit about anatomy or pathology? The Mütter Museum, at The College of Physicians has some videos for you. Warning: Not for the faint of heart! And though their speaker event has passed, read about the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 in Philadelphia. |