BREAKING: PA Stay-at-Home Order Extended to June 4th

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Pennsylvania’s stay-at-home order will be extended to June 4th, Governor Wolf announced last night. The order was originally set to expire today, May 8th.

For all counties still in the red phase (including Philadelphia County), the order is exactly the same as the original April 1st order. New orders have been released for the 24 yellow counties in northwestern and north-central PA. These new orders include guidelines for limited reopenings of stores and daycares. Gyms, barber shops, nail salons, casinos, and theaters will remain closed, restaurants and bars will remain limited to carry-out and delivery, and businesses will still require that customers wear masks. Gatherings of 25 people will be allowed.

An announcement is expected to come later today detailing more counties that will soon shift into the yellow phase, likely in the western portion of the state. Click here for a current map of red and yellow counties and full descriptions of the guidelines for each phase.

It is unclear when restrictions will be lifted in Philadelphia.
