Crustacean Club: FSS’s New Love for 🦞🦞🦞

Crustacean Club, the newest club at Friends Select School, has gained a large following in recent weeks. Despite its success, very few students actually know the club’s true origins.

Math teacher and club advisor Sowmya Srinivasan explains, “during calculus one day, Lex [Winitsy ‘22] was wearing a beanie and so Peter [Ryan ‘21] decided to wear a beanie baby on his head. I asked Peter if the beanie baby was a lobster, but it was a crab. From my understanding, Crustacean Club seemed to somehow form around this time.”

Peter also offered his recollection of the club’s founding, saying: “I was sort of bored in calculus in the third week of school, and I had this stuffed crab on my desk. I had the crab around because I had been talking to my best friend in the whole world, who is a Cancer (astrology), the night before. I was looking for funny things to do so I just put the crab on my head. Sowmya asked me about it and I said that it was for ‘Crustacean Club,’ which didn’t exist at that time. I then made an Instagram account for the club. After that, the club was up and running.”

According to Peter, “the basic idea [of the club] is to learn about crustaceans because they are pretty interesting, and we never really get to learn zoology in school. It’s sort of a throwback to all my lobster jokes. Our eventual goal is to bring a live lobster into school. Crustacean Club is just another way to get people excited about learning strange things at Friends Select.”

Jonas Gruber ‘22 says, “Crustacean Club means more to me than words can really convey, it’s a cause near and dear to my heart, as I’m sure it is to every man woman and child across the globe.” 

Rachel Luce ‘21 claims she wanted to “try a club that’s different from all the other clubs [she’s] in.” 

Many members recently got involved due to Peter’s past Devotions announcement, or through direct contact with the club’s founder. “I heard Peter’s announcement during devotions. I asked [him] how to join and he said to tell him what your favorite crustacean is and what you want to learn more about. After watching a video about them I decided that they are pretty cool so I joined the club,” said Asher Frank ‘24. 

Many members have shared goals for the club’s future. “I would like to see more membership. I would like to eventually get out on the water and discover some new species,” says Peter. 

Lex adds: “I would love to see a live crustacean or a trip to the Camden Aquarium.” 

Peter’s focus is to “represent other people’s favorite [crustaceans] in the club.” Asher and Rachel share a common favorite: the classic shrimp. Some other favorites include the Florida Stone Crab (Lex), the isopod (Lucy Kelley ‘22), the Mantis Shrimp (Jonas), and the lobster (Peter). Sowmya’s favorite is the barnacle: “it reminds me of Mermaid Man’s sidekick Barnacle Boy.” 

Sowmya has high hopes for the club: “ I am pro Crustacean Club and hope it will be successful. I’ve already learned a lot about crustaceans in these few weeks.” 

Lucy notes: “I hope to see everyone embrace crustaceans and join the club!” Head over to @fss_crustacean_club on Instagram for more information.