Updates on Senior Internships

The senior internship Blackbaud page.

An email sent yesterday afternoon by Upper School Language and English Teacher Naomi Faszczyk, who is also the senior internship coordinator this year, explained the details of the internships and projects that will ensue from May 18th through June 3rd.

Differing from last year, internships are required to be in-person and local. They also must be unpaid and average 6 hours per day. 

Seniors are currently in what Naomi called ‘phase 2.’ This entails singling out a field of interest, deciding how to approach this interest (either through a traditional internship or a project-based individual agenda), and preparing to submit proposals and contact local employers. This phase lasts during the months of February and March.

‘Phase 1’ took place in December and January, and consisted of reflecting on “preconceptions, expectations, biases, hopes, resistance, [and] feelings,” Naomi explained in an email to the senior class. She encouraged students to journal about their feelings towards their upcoming internships during these months.

As of yesterday, the Blackbaud page for the senior internships was published. The page consists of an explanation of the differences between a traditional internship and a project-based one, some key dates, and a directory of internship topics and potential local employers.

This afternoon, seniors will spend the City Service block working on their internships, ideas, and proposals with Naomi and their advisories.