This 2023-24 school year, student leaders Sofia Rouco and Paloma Puig, along with Middle and Upper School Spanish Teacher Maria Marquez, began Friends Select’s first-ever Latino Student Union for those who identify as Latino/a/e.
The club’s inspiration stems from students who felt a lack of Latino representation in the Upper School. Maria got inspiration from alumnus Gio Fornia ‘23; he shared with her that there wasn’t much of a presence of Latino culture in the Upper School and that left a hole in his heart. She referred to Gio as the student who got the ball rolling and as the “domino effect”. When doing work with Latino Culture in the Lower and Middle schools, she realized that there was an absence of Latino representation in the Upper School.
Student leaders Sofia and Paloma also noticed a lack of Latino representation. “[It was] upsetting to see there were clubs for everyone and everything except for Latinos…Especially since there are a lot around us, it’s just we don’t always look the same… It feels good to put a group together so we can all feel heard and seen,” Sofia stated.
The goal of the Latino Student Union is “to educate people on Latine culture and creating a space…Not only educating but also creating.” said Paloma.
Because of the abstraction of ethnicity, it is difficult for some students to fully step into their Latino identity. Especially since there wasn’t a great presence of Latino culture displayed in the Upper School, some students found it hard to identify. “It is difficult because since Latino isn’t a race you can easily assimilate. If you’re a white-passing Latino you can assimilate, you can blend in where you’re comfortable. Or if you’re a black Latino, you go where you feel more comfortable,” Maria stated.
Latino Student Union is planning an upcoming assembly on October 12th about Hispanic Heritage Month and Latino Culture. They will be streaming Kahoot, and there will be chances to win prizes.