Hey Upper School!
Have you ever wondered what exactly Student Government is working on? Are you not sure who to ask? Do you even know who your grade representatives are? Well, I have the answer to all your questions!
Hi, I’m Talia, and I’m a 10th grade representative on Student Government. Once a quarter I will be writing a recap like this once with information on all things StuGov.
First off, who are the representatives for the 2023-2024 school year?
In 9th grade, it’s Constantine Kalafatides, Alyx Liu, Leah Pessin, and Hannah Smith. In 10th grade, it’s Collin Lamont, Miles Lesser, Ben Yerkes, and me. In 11th grade, it’s Nora Colgan, Kate Gunther, Lena Piven, and Ella Sherman. Lastly, in 12th grade, it’s Rafi Foster, Patrick Ryan, Hayden Wiltshire, and our StuGov president Nandi Bayard! Now you know who is representing your grade during StuGov meetings, and who you can go to to ask questions.
But what goes on in our meeting? What projects are we working on?
One of our major goals this quarter was to be more transparent with the student body. This column is one way of doing that. Another way is through the creation of the FSS Student Government Instagram account(follow @fss.stugov!), where we will be posting about all the things we’re doing. Also, if you’ve noticed the new information-filled slideshows being presented in the steam building and library, that is another place to check for updates on what we are doing.
Another project StuGov worked on this quarter was putting period products in the new gender neutral bathrooms. After a meeting with Deneen and Natalie, it has been confirmed we will be able to place feminine products in all the upper school bathrooms (main building and STEAM). It will look similar to the middle school bathrooms: a container on the wall that has a mix of products for whatever you need. Expect to see this project finished in the next few weeks.
An additional project that StuGov worked on was creating a central location for service opportunities. We all want to get those extra hours in for our service requirements, and this will be an easy place to find ways to do that. StuGov reps are working closely with Natalie, Margaret, and Sarah to make this idea a reality. This project will hopefully be finished in the second quarter.
One more project that StuGov has been working on is Fall Ball! This 9th-12th grade dance is a collaboration with the class officers and we are all working hard to make it a super fun and exciting event. It will take place at the Mummers Museum on November 10th from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Your class officers and StuGov representatives hope to see you there!
So that’s your recap of StuGov this quarter! I hope you learned some more about what exactly we do in our meetings and that you’re excited to see what’s to come. We have a bunch of great ideas to start working on this coming quarter, and we’d love to hear from all of you about YOUR ideas on how to improve things at FSS. Once again, if you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to your grade representatives, or email me @[email protected]. I can’t wait for quarter 2!