The 2024 Social Justice Week began on Monday, the 23rd of January, and lasted until Friday the 26th. Afterward, The Falcon took a survey of student reactions and received 114 responses. Below are the results of the survey as well as the written comments left by students.
Please consider leaving your reactions to the survey results in the comment section below.

Free Response Section: If you could change anything about Social Justice Week, what would it be?
- “I think we should make Social Justice Week longer so we could learn a lot more. About a month and a half is okay, I’m sure MLK would be proud.” -Izzie
- “As a Social Justice Week track leader, I wish that Monday were another day spent with the actual track groups.” -Ben Y
- “Change keynote speaks from the morning to the afternoon.” -Bryce Joseph Dodd
- “I would like to see more off-campus trips.” -Bode
- “Surveys to vote for which groups should be an option.” -Jalen Whitfield
- “Maybe changing the time of year it is so the weather is a bit nicer? Maybe in March before Spring Break.”
- “It’s really hard to have keynote so early in the morning. Sometimes it just feels like they go on and on talking about random things and I’m missing the connection to SJW. I would prefer to have keynote speakers later in the morning, perhaps after break so it mimics devotions/assembly time.”
- “Later start time.” -Jameson
- “Shorter keynotes.”
- “Shorter keynote speaker times.”
- “We have it every quarter.”
- “As a leader this year, I felt like we had opportunities to create more content, but the schedule wouldn’t allow for us to spend more time with our groups.”
- “Not much. I thought the whole thing was fundamentally good I just didn’t like my other group members much.”
- “I would like for the speakers in the theater to be interacting more with the audience because it can get boring for the audience.”
- “More breaks throughout the day.”
- “More breaks in groups.”
- “I wish we didn’t just have so many slides and do more interactive stuff because it started to get repetitive and kind of boring.”
- “I’d like it to be more interactive and engaging rather than sitting and watching slides for hours straight for days, it’s hard to stay focused and makes it harder to learn.”