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Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Arts & Culture

FSS Art Students to Exhibit at Free Library of Philadelphia

FSS Art Students to Exhibit at Free Library of Philadelphia

Will Wang February 20, 2020

FSS art students will exhibit at the Parkway Central Free Library from March 2nd to March 31st.  According to Deborah Caiola, “Two years ago, a group of FSS art students were able to present their...

Photo from 2019 Art for Charity Concert

Students Prepare for Winter Concert

Peter Ryan January 17, 2020

After a semester of in-class rehearsals, the Upper School Instrumental Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Choir will make their first of three major performances on Friday, January 18th at 6:00 at the...

Cats Was the Best Movie of 2019, and Here’s Why

Cats Was the Best Movie of 2019, and Here’s Why

Zoe Tzanis January 16, 2020

Yes, Cats is plotless, pointless, and creepy, but that’s how it should be. With a 21% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and CGI (computer-generated imagery) deemed bad enough to warrant an immediate update,...

FSS Art Show Review: Highlighting the Individual

FSS Art Show Review: Highlighting the Individual

Peter Ryan January 16, 2020

Friends Select states that its mission is to “balance between the individual and the community.” The current art show on display in the front hall, exhibiting art made by members of the class of 2020,...

Image courtesy of FSS Flickr.

Metamorphoses: A Groundbreaking Friends Select Production

Annie Rupertus and Zoe Tzanis December 13, 2019

On November 15th, Friends Select’s incredible thespians performed Metamorphoses, a collection of ancient myths written by Ovid and adapted by Mary Zimmerman almost 2,000 years later.  Although both...

Music: From the Students

Music: From the Students

Adam Powley December 4, 2019

This infographic portrays the variety of music tastes and preferences among Friends Select upper school students. A survey was sent out to grades 9-12, 44 of whom responded, in order to get the information...

Photograph Courtesy of Bobo Boom

Review: MAGDALENE by FKA twigs

While not as strong as some of her earlier work, MAGDALENE is a gorgeous album that lives up to FKA twigs’ high standards.
Matt D’Annunzio December 4, 2019

FKA twigs is making music for the future. Since the beginning of her career, her music has always felt one step ahead. FKA twigs doesn’t fit into one genre: she combines pop, electronic music, and many...

37 Years in Blauvelt Theater

37 Years in Blauvelt Theater

Yannick Haynes November 19, 2019

This infographic illustrates 37 years of productions in the Blauvelt Theater. Information was found in the Friends Select Archives with help from Dick Hoffman. The infographic was designed in Adobe Photoshop...

Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Review: Jesus is King by Kanye West

On Jesus is King, Kanye West is supported by top level production, but his foray into gospel music is dragged down by weak songwriting.
Matt D’Annunzio November 17, 2019

Very few names are as simultaneously loved and derided as “Kanye West.” Last year was a watershed moment in Kanye’s career. As part of his “Wyoming Sessions”, he worked on two of the year’s...

Cast and Crew Optimistic About Fall Play

Cast and Crew Optimistic About Fall Play

Gabe Tarini November 12, 2019

The final stretch of any theatre production is always stressful, but the cast and crew of Metamorphoses are comparatively at ease, despite the rapidly approaching opening night (November 15th).  "I think...

Freeman Rabb Composes Soundtrack for Fall Play

Freeman Rabb Composes Soundtrack for Fall Play

Gabe Tarini November 11, 2019

Freeman Rabb, a junior at Friends Select, has been composing music digitally since freshman year. He has since become known for it, and can often be heard experimenting in the halls before school or during...