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Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon


Should Timing of Upper School Lunch Be Changed?

Should Timing of Upper School Lunch Be Changed?

Mingcan Li January 26, 2022

In the class period before lunch, the sounds of growling stomachs break the silence. Some students complain in a whisper that they could eat hundreds of cheeseburgers after class, while other students...

Russell Crow Perp Walk, 2005.  Free Use Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

The Problems With Perp Walks

Henry Fogg January 25, 2022

In the United States justice system, there exists a phenomenon known as the “perp walk.” Perp is short for perpetrator. A perp walk, walking the perp, or frog march, is a practice in American law...

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Online School, Better than Offline School?

Jonas Gruber January 19, 2022

While we are still very much living in a COVID era with the emergence of new variants like Omicron, the days of lockdowns and self-isolation still seem more like a distant memory. Along with that, the...

Courtesy of PxHere.

Defining Journalism: Calling Moral and Ethical Standards into Question

Margot Schneider January 18, 2022

Suppose there is a breaking news item, perhaps a national scandal or a weather emergency, that people really should know at that time. Let's also suppose that the sole journalist with access to this...

Free Use Image Courtesy of Flickr.

Are eSports Really Sports?

Asa Johnson January 14, 2022

Lebron James, the second best basketball player of all time, is making $162 every second as he stands on the court of the 2020 NBA Finals in front of 10 million live viewers. Meanwhile, Kim "Canyon" Geon-bu,...

The Problems with Mental Health Representation in TV Media

The Problems with Mental Health Representation in TV Media

Elijah Gallagher January 13, 2022

Every night last summer, I would sit on the couch watching Criminal Minds, and although the show is entertaining to watch, one thing that always irked me about it is how inaccurately mental illnesses...

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Why You Shouldn’t Join the Metaverse Just Yet

Ian Lamont January 12, 2022

In the metaverse, you can sit at your desk and give a presentation to people around the planet face to face, then go meet some friends to play cards in a space station in zero gravity, or at least you...

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

It’s Time to Transition Online and Start Catering to Virtual Students

Margot Schneider January 11, 2022

We’ve seen the risks of in-person learning, and the anxiety that comes with it. Now, it’s time to adapt. When my sister tested positive for Covid this past week, a wave of shock ran through...

Free Use Image Courtesy of Wikimedia.

If You Want the Best in Every Bite, Choose Dark Chocolate

Nadia Sumner January 11, 2022

Close your eyes and imagine you see chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, tiramisu, and a chocolate croissant laid out in front of you, and you taste each one. First, you taste the perfectly cold and creamy...

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Opinion/Counter: Should Computer Science be a Required Course?

Xan Brown, Elle DiBianca, Mingcan Li, and Stefan Widdicombe December 15, 2021

YES by Mingcan & Stefan Let us think about the case when your computer freezes, and the only thing you can do to fix it is shut down the computer and restart it, or you will go to the Apple store...

Opinion/Counter: Should School Rules be Different for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Students?

Opinion/Counter: Should School Rules be Different for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Students?

Elijah Gallagher, TJ Hampton, Asa Johnson, and Shirley Wang December 13, 2021

YES by Elijah & TJ With Covid-19 affecting the world so drastically, there are a lot of protocols that are being debated. One of these protocols is whether or not schools should have different...

Free Use Image Courtesy of Flickr.

Falcon Roundtable: Which Season is Best?

WINTER by Henry & Ian Imagine this. A person sits down on their couch after walking home from school through the snow. Their cheeks are red and puffy. It’s cold but not freezing. There is...