The Pigeon: American Anti-Maskers Face Blatant Discrimination


As COVID-19 cases rise, anti-maskers around the country have faced more frequent and intense discrimination, according to several recent reports. A recent tragedy in Texas is the last example of this inexcusable bigotry. A Texas woman, Karen Magas, was targeted by “left-wing snowflakes” after she walked into a Protect Life Bank and refused to wear a face mask. After the bank’s security asked her to leave, (a clear violation of her first amendment rights), Magas had a temper tantrum. “This is a clear violation of my 1st amendment rights, I will sue you! This business will be shut down!” she said. Following this comment, the situation escalated quickly and Magas began to repeat, “What are you going to do? Arrest me?”

As Magas was escorted out of the bank in handcuffs, her cry for equality could be heard by many. “You see this! This is clear discrimination my people are being shut out of society, we want our country back!” After President Joe Biden sent a clear message that masks are key to ending the coronavirus pandemic and returning to normalcy, anti-maskers have found a new way to combat the coronavirus – to simply ignore it. 

In a plea to bring our country together, Magas, while ironically wearing a MAGA hat, tells us what is really dividing our country: Masks. “Masks are dividing our country, if we want to regain a sense of community please, please, no more masks.” Masks, which have been built to help contain the spread of the virus, are clearly the main problem that this country faces. After months of battling racism, xenophobia, and a virus that just won’t go away, it is clear that masks are the real problem this country faces simply because exercising our first amendment rights is clearly more important than public safety. 

Karen Magas is one of many to take a stand against the clear hatred against “her people.” She describes the severity of the discrimination: “We are being treated worse than second class citizens. I don’t get what everyone is so afraid of. A little cold? With a 99% survival rate? Ridiculous.” The virus, which has only claimed 500,000 US lives, is dividing our country in ways that we’ve never seen before. In Magas’ final remarks she says, “I will not allow masks to keep me from spreading the virus nor will I allow this socialist country to suppress my breath any longer.”

Disclaimer: This is a satirical piece and is not factually accurate.