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Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon


Milky's Mad Dash: Snake Breaks Free at Friends Select

Milky’s Mad Dash: Snake Breaks Free at Friends Select

Peter Ryan November 20, 2020

Biology teacher Perry Zanki, Friends Select’s king of crazy stories and unexpected antics, may have finally outdone himself: this fall, his pet snake “Milky” escaped from his classroom and evaded...

Dan Capecchi at World Cafe Live, image courtesy of FSS Flickr

Dan Capecchi: Teacher, Dean, Drummer, Composer, Secret Agent?

Olivia Shuman November 19, 2020

“We’ve got an ablative! But which ablative is it?” Tr. Dan drops to a crouch on the floor of his classroom and goes into a full somersault before putting his hands up like a secret agent. “Ablative...

Michael Gary, Head of School

A Day in the Life of Michael Gary: COVID Edition

Mark Aaronson November 18, 2020

Michael loves the beginning of his day; it is the only thing that has remained the same before and during COVID-19. Michael has a strict routine in the morning. “I wake up every morning at 6am. I get...

So You Think You Can Pod: Safe Social Practices During the Third Wave

So You Think You Can Pod: Safe Social Practices During the Third Wave

Peter Ryan, Co-Editor in Chief November 17, 2020

Note: Much of the factual information in this article comes from public health experts at the University of Michigan Just days after Friends Select’s full transition to iSelectLearning, many students...

Being Virtually Everything: The Life of a Parent-Teacher in COVID-19

Mia Cohen November 17, 2020

The table, typically covered with china, silverware, and hot meals, is now home to laptops, notebooks, and half-empty water bottles. But it’s not just the kitchen table that has been transformed for...

Photo Courtesy of Peter Ryan '21

Student Predictions for Virtual Learning

Margot Schneider, Editor: Hard News & Sports November 15, 2020

On November 9th, Friends Select School announced the upcoming transition to fully virtual learning beginning Monday, November 16th. Some students believe that the community is well-equipped to have a...

Meet the Ninth Grade Class Officers and Student Government Representatives for 2020-21

Meet the Ninth Grade Class Officers and Student Government Representatives for 2020-21

Annie Rupertus and Margot Schneider November 12, 2020

Class Officers: Joana Santos, Liv Smollen, and Nora Marwaha Joana Santos '24 Joana Santos, a lifer at Friends Select, is one of three ninth grade students elected to serve as a Class Officer this...

Tea & Love Accounts Spark Conversation at Friends Select

Tea & Love Accounts Spark Conversation at Friends Select

Peter Ryan November 10, 2020

Over the past week, two separate Instagram accounts have sparked controversy and discourse in the Friends Select community: @fss_tea_page and @fss_love_acc.  @fss_tea_page, known colloquially...

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BREAKING: Friends Select Announces School Closure Beginning Next Week

The Falcon Editorial Staff November 9, 2020

In an email sent to the community on Monday evening, Head of School Michael Gary announced that all Upper School students will transition full-time to iSelectLearning on Monday, November 16th.  This...

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BREAKING: Presidential Election Results Slowly Coming In

Annie Rupertus, Co-Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2020

Following November 3rd’s general election, votes are slowly being counted in key battleground states across the country, with former Vice President Joseph R. Biden in the lead.  According to...

Falcon Election Update

Falcon Election Update

Peter Ryan and Izzy Ebede November 4, 2020

While election officials count the final ballots from the 2020 presidential election, Americans are unsure of who their leader will be for the next four years.  Seven swing states have yet to...

Courtesy of Pikrepro

To Simp or not to Simp: That is the Question

Peter Ryan and Margot Schneider November 2, 2020

Over the past year, a new term has circulated through the Friends Select community: “simping.” A “simp” is defined by the New York Times as “a person, often a man, who unsuccessfully throws...