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Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon

Friends Select Student News Media

The Falcon


Why Meeting for Business is Right for Friends Select

Peter Ryan November 22, 2019

Friends Select students have long had a breadth of complaints: complaints about social developments, complaints about the administration, complaints about the actions of school committees, and complaints...

Where Should You Eat?

Where Should You Eat?

Chloe Zhang November 21, 2019

This infographic is a map of restaurants recommended by Friends Select students, based on an online survey completed by 31 students in grades 9-12. The recommended restaurants’ locations are restricted...

You Only Know What The Reporter Wants You To Know: Media Bias in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Tal Lesnik November 17, 2019

In the United States, the media is our only tool when trying to learn about a geographically distant issue such as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Though the media is a useful source, bias is almost...

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As College Deadlines Approach, Seniors Say Homework is Increasing

Zoe Tzanis November 5, 2019

High school seniors are under an unparalleled amount of stress. Not only are they working on college applications, but they’re also managing rigorous course loads, preparing portfolios, playing sports,...

Should Uninformed Voters Vote?

Should Uninformed Voters Vote?

Annie Rupertus November 5, 2019

If you’re an FSS student or faculty member who will be eligible to vote in the next election, you may be wondering whether or not you should expend the effort to get to a polling place on November 5th....

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Elijah Cummings, Modern Patriot

Peter Ryan October 19, 2019

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), an 11-term congressman who chaired the House Oversight and Reform Committee and Congressional Black Caucus, died on October 17th, 2019 at the age of 68. As a ranking democrat...

SEPTA Fails to Accommodate Philadelphia Students

SEPTA Fails to Accommodate Philadelphia Students

Peter Ryan October 17, 2019

A SEPTA Weekday Student TransPass, meant to be “affordable” for K-12 students in the Philadelphia School District, costs $3.84 per school day or $19.20 per week. If a student travels via SEPTA on each...

Reactions to Dress Code Enforcement

October 16, 2019

Dress codes were originally enforced to assure that boys would not be distracted by girls’ bodies. The continued enforcement of these policies is a way of telling us that women’s bodies are inherently...

Friends Select Student sleeps in class while trying to finish work.

Why School Start Times Should Be Later!

Carlos Eckert, Staff Writer April 2, 2019

        It’s 5:59 in the morning, the sun is beginning to rise, and you are in a deep sleep. The night before you got home at 9:00 from work and started your homework while you ate spaghetti. Upon...

How Important Is Student Voice?

Alex Ding January 8, 2019

“I think students’ voices are important,” Upper School Director Chris Singler said. However, student voice matters only if students’ voices are heard. Now there is a chance for everyone's voice...