BREAKING: FSS Outlines New Plan for Opening of School


Image from Michael Gary’s letter to the FSS community on Monday, 8/24/20

In a letter to families on Monday, August 24th, Friends Select outlined new  reopening plans for all divisions. According to the school’s new schedule, upper school students will physically return to school on September 29th, with virtual learning taking place from September 8th through 29th. Students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade will go back on September 8th, 2nd through 4th graders will follow on September 14th, and 5th through 8th grade students will return in-person on September 21st.

Students in grades Pre-K through 6 will attend school fully in-person, while students in grades 7 through 12 will follow a 50% hybrid model. 

Following Yom Kippur on Monday, September 28th, upper school students will return to the building in a 50% hybrid model. Whether or not this hybrid model is the same as previously outlined on July 20th is unclear. 

Although upper school students will learn remotely until September 29th, teachers will be expected to teach from the classroom all through September.

This plan is more conservative than the initial reopening plan laid out on July 20th, which stipulated that students in grades 7-12 would attend school 50% of the time while younger students would attend every day, beginning September 8th.

The specific protocol for social distancing at Friends Select can be found in the school’s Health and Safety Plan.